One Monkey-Cat up in the Christmas Tree.

On another day this Christmas, someone gave to me:
A squished skunk in the driveway,
And One Monkey-Cat up in the Christmas Tree.
On another day this Christmas, someone gave to me:
Vultures on the back fence....
Looking for the squished skunk
That I'd slid into a box
And hauled off to the back yard...
And I'm ignoring Monkey climbing up the Tree.

On another day this Christmas, someone gave to me:
A cold I can't get rid of.....
(---ended with a preposition! --
And I'm too sick to care;)
And the Monkey-Cat's still climbing up the Tree..
On another day this Christmas, someone gave to me:
(WHY DO I have this bad cold?)
There's vultures on the back fence,
Looking for the squished skunk.
And Monkey! Please get off the Christmas Tree!

On another day this Christmas, someone gave to me...(well, it was Kenny, not just "somebody"!):
A lovely dinner at Hotel Mac,
Great company with friends,
Two apple-pie-hot-drinks,
A taste of creme-broulet,
More time with Kenny,
---And my gosh what HAS the Monkey done to the Tree?????
On another day this Christmas, someone gave to me:
A solution for not finding the stockings:
I went and made some new ones;
And these were really big ones;
I even made cat-paw ones,
And where's the coal for Monkey?
The other cats get cookies;
(And yes, there's some for Monkey,
Although he wrecked the Tree;)
I didn't ship folks' presents;
I'm too sick to care;
I'm missing Anita's dinner;
Still to sick to worry;
The vultures have flown off now;
I won't check on the skunk;
I'm in love with my new job -
I'm writing for a paper,
Just like in the old days;
The horses are happy;
Still to sick to worry;
The vultures have flown off now;
I won't check on the skunk;
I'm in love with my new job -
I'm writing for a paper,
Just like in the old days;
The horses are happy;
They've got their very own pasture;
It's Freya's First Christmas
In her new adopted home;
In her new adopted home;

Not counting the neighbors',
Who come and eat the cat food
I set out for Texie and Sadie,
Back inside, the Dog-Cat,
Tired of Little Monkeys,
Is sleeping by the heater,
After eating all her cookies -

She's 20 years old now,
And still enjoys her Christmas...
But now she's sleeping....and...
It sounds like a great idea.....
So.... Merry Christmas - I'm gonna take a nap!